Thursday, August 19, 2010


A photographer friend of mine had this on her blog and her facebook - Steve and I laughed so hard we almost wet our pants!!!!!!!! This is our life - and I am going to say yes - we are this cool!!!! (especially Steve - this is exactly what he is like when no one is around - just ask the kids!!!!!) Thanks Ursula - You made our day here's hoping this makes all of yours as well!!!!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Summer Newsletter

I am soooo excited!!!!!  Beka and I have been working all summer (oh yeah, and Steve too!) on new ideas for the business!!!  One of these ideas was a newsletter - one that would highlight who we are and who our clients are - not just push products and specials (although we did mention a few - but just a few I promise).  Our first edition - Summer is finally out - take a look and let us know what you think!!!!